git: deleting remote tracked branches

Since I’m always DuckDuckGo-ing for these information, I’ll set a note here for future reference and for all of you, fellow readers. Situation: one (or more) remote-tracked git branches got deleted (either locally or remote). You are in either one of the two cases following: you have deleted the local branch and you want to … Continue reading git: deleting remote tracked branches

git tip: multiple identities

If you are using git version control for personal and work repositories, it is tricky to change your email address (in ~/.gitconfig) to properly use the correct email before committing to a repo (this is what I do, depending on the nature of the repo: personal repo -> personal email, work repo -> work email). … Continue reading git tip: multiple identities

ZeroTurnaround’s Java Tools and Technologies Landscape Report 2016

As of every year, ZeroTurnaround released the yearly report of their survey about Java and Java-related technologies among professional developers. I find this report very interesting, and I usually compare (or discover) existing technology solutions. For example, right now I’m currently thinking about moving to Intellij IDEA. How do you measure up against the report?

Spotify puzzles: round two

Some months ago, I began challenging myself with Spotify puzzles: at that time I was dealing with an easy problem; now, the difficulty has increased. The round two consists in the typical “Selection problem“: given an array of values, find the max (or min) k values. I decided to still use Python and to use … Continue reading Spotify puzzles: round two

Fun with Python powered telnetd honeypot

Reason: hardening, serendipity and curiosity As you already know, in the past weeks I hardened all of my boxes: while doing it, I flushed all iptables/ipfw rules, changed the default policy to DROP and take it from there to enable every rule as soon as I need it. Whilst Ubuntu uses ufw as a fronted … Continue reading Fun with Python powered telnetd honeypot

Spotify puzzles: round one

Some time ago I came across Spotify puzzles, a website in which Spotify’s engineers list a series of CS problems and gather solutions from interested people. The interesting idea is that all solutions should be sent via mail, and an honorable (automated) judge tests the solution and sends the feedback. It would be fun to … Continue reading Spotify puzzles: round one

Chocolatey: apt-get per Windows

Quando faccio il setup di una macchina con sistema operativo Windows, sento la mancanza di apt-get (per chi mastica Debian/Ubuntu) o yum (Red Hat/Fedora) per installare rapidamente programmi in una semplice istruzione. Esistono per Windows alcune alternative per implementare apt-get, ma la più valida è senza dubbio Chocolatey. Due punti di forza che mi sono … Continue reading Chocolatey: apt-get per Windows

Gli showcases di GitHub: un link da bookmarkare!

Oggi ho trovato un link molto interessante su GitHub: gli showcases. Si tratta di una pagina ospitata dal famoso sito di social coding che permette di conoscere ed esplorare alcuni progetti software opensource e – perché no – prendere spunti di organizzazione e metodologie di un progetto. I progetti sono catalogati per topic per una … Continue reading Gli showcases di GitHub: un link da bookmarkare!

git-flow: il modello di git workflow che utilizzo

Dopo aver letto l’interessante presentazione “How GitHub uses GitHub to build GitHub“, ho deciso di dare un’occhiata al modello di workflow chiamato git-flow [che si basa, ovviamente, sull’utilizzo di git]. In sintesi: Ci sono due branch sempre presenti: master e develop: master contiene tutti i commit per cui il repo è deployabile in produzione [production … Continue reading git-flow: il modello di git workflow che utilizzo

HTML5 e CSS avanzato: una guida per (re)-impararli

Nonostante HTML5 sia ancora un release candidate al momento della scrittura di questo post, molte delle peculiarità del linguaggio sono supportate dai browser più evoluti (Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Opera ed IE10). Ho deciso di fare un ripasso delle principali istruzioni di typesetting (e di imparare anche i nuovi tag) presenti in HTML5 e delle principali proprietà presenti … Continue reading HTML5 e CSS avanzato: una guida per (re)-impararli