On servers timezone and tmux

A while ago I was fighting with a timezone set on a server because of the daylight saving time kicked in: during the ghost hour I had troubles with finding automated jobs. Moreover, the server was located overseas and depending on when I was checking the remote date and time, I could get a different … Continue reading On servers timezone and tmux

Secure your SSH server against brute-force attacks with Fail2ban

The problem: SSH can be brute-forced I usually leave an SSH server on a dedicated port on every server I administer and, as you may recall, I even linked two well-written guides to properly configure and harden SSH services. Now, Internet is a notoriously bad place: scanners and exploiters have always been there, but brute-forcers … Continue reading Secure your SSH server against brute-force attacks with Fail2ban

SQLite3, NFS e FreeBSD: risolviamo il problema di locking dell’I/O error

Ho recentemente risolto un problema con FreeBSD, SQLite3  e un file-system montato via NFS. Veniamo ai dettagli: FreeBSD 9.2-RELEASE (“xray“) monta un file-system condiviso via NFS da un server Linux (“zulu“), già condiviso con altre macchine, e con cui non si presentano problemi particolari. Il comportamento particolare di FreeBSD si manifesta quando tento di aprire … Continue reading SQLite3, NFS e FreeBSD: risolviamo il problema di locking dell’I/O error